The Rhythmic Power of Rain

The Rhythmic Power of Rain

Rain on a dark night with blurred lighs

As I sat on the couch drinking my coffee in silence one early, dark February morning, I could hear the rain intensifying by the sound it was making on our metal porch awning.  I realized as I listened that there was something musical to the rain.  It was very rhythmic and loud, but soothing and relaxing at the same time.  I was enjoying that rain being the center of my focus.  No other thoughts, just the sound of the power of rain.

And then, I heard something else.  Drip, drip, drip…Ugh!  The roof is leaking somewhere.  I followed the sound, but saw no evidence of water penetration on the ceiling.  That was good.  Since there was nothing I could do about it, I went back to my coffee and my blog.  The funny thing about this is that normally, I would be in a full panic!  I am pleased as punch about this, because, as you know, I have been working on letting things go.  Finally, I feel as though some form of personal growth has been achieved.  For once I wasn’t going to let this little problem take over my mind and ruin my day.  There would be no point in that, and it certainly wouldn’t solve anything.  I should tell you this:

  • A home inspector told us back in 2005 that the roof needed to be replaced.   With two young kids and only one income, that wasn’t an option, so we decided to cross our fingers and ride it out.
  • Our plan this year (and for the past three years, really) is to replace the roof before it fails. HA!

Well, upon further investigation by The Man of the House, it seems to be a flashing problem, not a shingle problem.  Regardless, water is getting in when it should be staying out, so onward to roof shopping!  Quite frankly, the current roofing material is dated and dingy looking.  Aesthetically, it needs to go, and shingles are starting to crumble.

Choosing A Color

For about three years, I have been driving around looking at other people’s roofing choices (not the safest practice, really).  What looks good with a darker brick?  What doesn’t?  The biggest thing is what color scheme can I live with for the next 30 years?  This is a huge commitment, and I am leaning toward a traditional and timeless look.  Now is not the time to get trendy, because what will look fantastic today will be hideous tomorrow (Remember the avocado green and gold kitchens? Anyone?).  

Organized, cohesive spaces are very important to me.  There is a flow between the house and the garage.  The color needs to be complimentary, but not matchy-matchy.  Planning and organization, even if that entails someone who lives with me (cough, cough) to get a ladder and stand on the roof with sample shingles so I can see what it is going to look like, is well worth the effort (if you ask me anyway).  This is less trouble than having a whole section of roofing complete and me saying “no way, I hate it!”

We have decided on our color, finally.  Because we will be replacing soffit, facia, gutters, and downspouts AND possibly shutters and storm doors, we are going classic.  Red brick house with a dark gray roof, white trim,  and black shutters.  Hercules! Decision made!  Now, if it would only stop raining.  I’m telling you, my next step is going to be to build the ark.  Rivers and streams are overflowing their banks, and most of us have some kind of pond in our backyard.  My neighbor is thinking of stocking trout!

Until Next Time,


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Written by
April Smyth

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