10 Reasons To Do What You Absolutely Love Every Day

10 Reasons To Do What You Absolutely Love Every Day

A Sunday Short

As adults, we seldom have the time to do the things we love to do.   Between work, kids, meal prep, and countless activities, we are lucky to get through the daily grind without being completely exhausted!  How can we possibly fit in time to do what we love every day?  Read on for 10 reasons to do what you absolutely love every day so you can be happier!

Do what you love and love what you do!

The first step is to identify what you love.  This shouldn’t be too difficult.  Think back to when you were a child.  What are some things that made you the happiest?  Do you remember feeling alive and carefree?  Can you think of what you were doing when you felt that way?  Next, implement one thing you love to do into your daily schedule.  Consequently, life will be more cheerful.

Here’s a personal example.  I know for a fact that my first true loves in life were music and water.  Listening to music is one of the first things I can remember as a young child.  It filled my heart with joy then as it does now.  I feel complete and healed when I listen to good music daily.

Feet in the Pool

Next is the water.  To this day, even putting my foot into a swimming pool, lake, or ocean, rejuvenates me in a way that is difficult to describe.  If I dive in, I feel alive and completely energized.  The water replenishes me with new life.  Every single time.  For forty-plus years.  I swim like I did when I was a kid, for the pure joy of the experience.  I don’t care that I have to redo my hair and make-up either.  Swimming is freeing in so many ways, it’s worth it!

Another thing that I love is walking.  Seems like even if it’s 15 – 20 minutes three to four times a week, it’s enough to get fresh air and blood flow through your body and can make you feel like a new person.  In addition, walking has many health benefits, so it’s a win-win activity.

10 Reasons To Do What You Love

  1. Joy.  Do you love the work you do?  Are you happy?  Joyful?  No?  If you cannot get paid to do what you love, then fit in something you enjoy after work.   Also, try to find something about your job to love, hence brightening your day.
Do what you love
  1. Youthfulness.  Engaging in at least one activity you enjoy each day will help keep you young at heart.  This is especially relevant because none of us really want to get old.
  2. Sanity.  Think about it – when you live your life for others and don’t take time for yourself, it affects your mental state.  For your own emotional wellness, you should do something you love each day.  Participating in the things you love to do keeps your mind off of what you have to do but don’t want to do.  Since we all have to do things we don’t like, wouldn’t it be nice to know we have something fun to look forward to afterward?
  3. Purpose.   Do what you love every day to give your life purpose and meaning.  For me, the simplest pleasure of cranking the volume on the radio after work and listening to my favorite music on the drive home redefines my purpose.  Most of all, it releases the stress of the day.
  4. Soul.  Doing what you love every day revitalizes the soul. Period.
  5. Attitude.  Taking time for yourself every day helps to maintain a positive attitude because when you constantly toil over the things you are required to and miss out on things you enjoy, it definitely results in a negative effect.
  6. Giving back.   Not only will doing something you love every day benefit you personally, but others win too.  Do you ever have days where you feel like you have nothing left to give?  I do!  Avoid that by carving time out for yourself each and every day.  You will be able to be more productive resulting in the ability to give more of yourself.
  7. Kindness.  I am more likely to emit kindness than hostility when I am doing what I love because I am happy.  I have a better sense of humor, am able to laugh more freely, and am much nicer overall.  Furthermore, the willingness to help those around you increases.
  8. The wellbeing of those around you.  Let’s face it, the saying is true…”If Momma isn’t happy, nobody’s happy.”  First of all, it’s a fact in our house that if I don’t have time to do something I enjoy,  I am useless to everyone else.  Just sitting down for fifteen minutes to read recharges my battery.   As a result, I am more pleasant to be around.
  9. Resentment.  Burn out causes animosity.  Being miserable at work or with any other aspect of your life can cause exasperation.  You certainly don’t want to misguide your anger onto the people you love!  Therefore, figure out what you can do to make a change and do it.  In the meantime, however, make sure you are getting the time you need every day to do something you love and keep the feelings of resentment at bay.

Practice Doing What YOU Love Every Day

Now it’s your turn.  Curl up with a good book.  Dance it out!  Blast your favorite music.  Take a run or a walk.  Prepare that new recipe for dinner.  See a movie.  Arrange a girl’s night (or guys night).  Work in the garden.  Visit an elderly relative.

Senior woman relaxing at home, listening to music.

Most of all, make it a point to do something you love today, and remember “Live, Laugh, Love.”

Until next time,


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Written by
April Smyth

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