Find The Good In The World Every Single Day

Find The Good In The World Every Single Day


Today is Sunday and a new week is upon us.  A new week equals a fresh start.  For me, it’s a new commitment to reflect on all the good things that happen in my life.  Not only that, but to focus on ways to find the good in the world every day.

People ARE Good

I still believe that the majority of people in this world are good.  While the media would like us to remain in a panic state over all the bad that happens, we need to look past that. For example, in any crisis or natural disaster, many people risk their own lives to save or help others.  Yes, we do see that on the news. Our first responders do this on a daily basis, multiple times a day.  But how often does the media focus on the good in the world?  Not often enough.

On a smaller scale, how many times does someone hold a door for you or simply smile when they pass you in the store?

On my weekly trip to the grocery store, I rarely use my own quarter to get a cart (paying the quarter to release a cart encourages customers to return it to get their money back).  Usually, a kind stranger gives me his or her cart and refuses the quarter.  Then I do the same for the next person.

The Power Of Focusing On The Good

Every day is not always sunshine and lollipops.  I realize that.  But even on terrible days, which we all experience, try to find something good that has happened.  It can be as simple as a blue sky on a sunny day.  Maybe you are thankful that it is raining so you can stay inside and clean the house.  It really isn’t difficult.

Good in the world
We are all in this together!

We are surrounded by negativity, and often times complaining about the things that don’t go our way is easier than trying to find the things that do.  Personally, when I make a conscious effort to find the good in the world and in my life on a daily basis, it improves my entire outlook!   Positive benefits include:

  • A decrease in worry.
  • An increase in happiness.
  • Becoming less guarded.
  • Enables you to achieve inner peace.
  • A decrease in stress and anxiety.
  • An increase in gratitude.

Our lives are filled with countless blessings.  Have you taken a look at how people who live in poverty, whether in this country or other countries, survive on a daily basis?  Each and every one of us is wealthy in comparison.

Start Small

Did you wake up this morning?  That’s a good thing!  Did the car start? Yes!  Did you get to work safely?  Awesome!

Even watching uplifting videos on social media is a start to finding the good in the world.  A video came across my newsfeed the other day about September 11, 2001, a tragic day for our country.  I almost didn’t watch it but decided to.  The piece is about passengers being forced to land in Newfoundland once the US realized they were under attack.  This video makes you realize the selflessness of people and warms my heart.  If you doubt the goodness in people, this will restore your faith in humanity.

Forcing out negativity can be difficult.  When a negative thought enters my mind, I try to eliminate it.  As the days go by since I have implemented this practice, it has become so much easier.  Ironically, those thoughts have decreased drastically in numbers throughout the day.  More positive thoughts occur, and I find myself humming.

While I have a long, long way to go toward becoming a better person, taking the time to find the good in the world is definitely helping.  Good things happen every day, and I am thankful that I am able to be here to witness those events.

Until Next Time,


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Written by
April Smyth

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