Here are the Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Here are the Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Dream coming out of glass bottle with lights inside

Well, it’s that time of year again. New Year’s Resolutions. A new year; a fresh start. A time that exercise equipment, activity trackers, and weight loss products, I imagine, are at the height of sales.

New Year’s Resolutions…oh what fun!

How many of us truly make resolutions and stick with them throughout the year? Honestly, I don’t. I get bored and frustrated and give them up, reverting right back to the same not so healthy habits year after year. I don’t even bother to make “resolutions,” because I have learned that I set myself up for failure.

Now, I simply make adjustments. Attitude adjustments, modifications to my diet, and merely setting small goals toward better health are all on my agenda. But that isn’t because it’s a new year, it’s because it’s a new day, a new gift.

The older I get, the more I learn about myself and the world around me. I know how I react to certain situations, and how those reactions will consequently affect my life. It’s another reason I don’t make resolutions, per se. Setting unrealistic goals and failing can cause depression and disappointment.

The knowledge I have thanks to past experiences with resolutions, changes, and self-improvement has given me the insight to set realistic goals. If I don’t, I know in advance that I will get overwhelmed, resulting in an unhealthy level of anxiety. Biting off more than I can chew not only hurts me, but those around me too.

Apple with measuring tape for resolution to eat healthy

Would I like to lose weight this year? Heck yeah! But that’s every year. What is more important than that, however, is eating well to feel better. That’s something that can be introduced slowly and benefit my entire family. It also becomes a lifestyle change, not a fad diet.

Life is what you make it, whether you look at each new year as a fresh start or each new day as a new beginning.

Getting more exercise is also a must, but instead of essentially lying to myself about walking miles every day, I’ve started by simply walking the dog around the neighborhood. Plus, I implemented that last month, so it isn’t a resolution.

Adorable Brindle Boxer Dog

Finally, I want to continue on my quest for inner peace, which if you read this blog regularly, you know has been ongoing.

Recognizing that the world is so much bigger than you and me is the start of relieving the pressure we put on ourselves. Realizing our potential, practicing gratitude, giving to those less fortunate, sharing our knowledge, and learning to laugh at ourselves can mean the difference between a life of happiness or one of misery.

The main reason I don’t make resolutions – every day is a chance at a happy, healthy life. Will there be setbacks? Of course! Will you have bad days? Yep! Picking yourself up and dusting yourself off becomes therapeutic. Asking yourself each day what you can do differently to improve your life leads to taking long strides toward a joyous existence. Wallowing in misery and self-pity; not so much.

Little girl licking a cupcake-resolution to find your inner child

In 2019, I wish you all peace, happiness, good health, and good cheer. Test your limits, leave your comfort zone for a moment or two, and explore new interests. It really is invigorating! Maybe you will catch a glimpse of your inner child, and even become giddy with excitement at least once this year!

Until Next Time,


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Written by
April Smyth

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