How To Have An Unforgettable Independence Day

How To Have An Unforgettable Independence Day

4th of July table display

How do you like to spend this sizzling summer holiday? Perhaps you take joy in vacationing during this celebratory time in our country, or maybe you would rather stay at home and throw a party complete with fireworks. Whatever you choose to do, make this Independence Day unforgettable by taking the time to make a plan.

4th Of July Festivities

Whether you decide to stay at home or travel, make arrangements to enjoy the festivities of the holiday! Firework shows will be plentiful nationwide. If you decide to set off your own fireworks, make sure you know the laws in your state and town, and please make safety a priority.

For years in our quiet neighborhood, my friends and neighbors get together when the sun goes down to set off fireworks in the street. Some are ground fireworks and some explode in the air, but I am surprised at how this tradition has grown over the years! All of our neighbors contribute something and we have an entertaining show that everyone loves. Try to coordinate with your neighbors and plan to purchase your fireworks before the mad rush. Tip: If your display will be after the 4th, you may want to wait to purchase your fireworks as they sometimes go on sale.

Fireworks over the capital

Now, if you enjoy the full gamut firework display that has a spectacular grand finale, this definitely isn’t going to work for you. But, if you have the opportunity to do both, I recommend it. Independence Day celebrations often extend over the weekend, so watch your local paper, Facebook, and the internet to see what is happening near you. You may be surprised at the options.

Sparklers are also fun, but remember, adult supervision is required. They can be dangerous. Follow these tips to prevent injury.

Man holding sparkler

Independence Day Travel

Road trip ready VW Bus

If you’re hitting the highway this 4th of July, it may be advantageous to look at alternate roads to get to your destination. Research the busiest travel days and times around the holiday and try to avoid them. Make your road trip an adventure by leaving a day early and stopping at places off the beaten path. Everyone in the family will appreciate a little adventure.

If you have younger kids, packing snacks, games, and things to entertain them will help pass the time on long trips. Travel games can be a nice change from watching movies and allows everyone to participate.

Inside of the airplane photo

For those of you taking to the skies, arrive a little earlier than usual to the airport to save yourself the aggravation of long lines. Then, relax and savor a gourmet coffee or other beverage. If you have small kids, they will be fascinated with all the sites. Bring snacks, coloring books and other (quiet) interactive toys in your carry on bag so they are content while waiting to board the plane.

Another thing to remember if you are flying, take Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer. Since the cabin doesn’t get cleaned as frequently as it should, wipe off your seat tray before you use it. Who wants to be sick on vacation? Not me!

Host a 4th of July Picnic

Having a picnic or backyard BBQ is a fun way to spend the day. First, decide if you are having a small crowd or a large one. When you invite your friends and relatives and they offer to help, let them. I learned that lesson the hard way.

Typically when we have a party, we provide the main dish and if guests offer to bring something, such as a side or dessert, we gladly accept! Who’s bringing fruit? Dessert? Sides? All things to remember when talking to people and they ask what is needed for the party.

My friend and I were talking about this the other day. Did you ever go to a picnic where there were 17 desserts, hot dogs, and one side dish? What happens then? You go home hungry. Keeping a list of who is bringing what dish makes it easy, and everyone goes home stuffed.

What, it’s a party!

If someone offers to bring macaroni salad and someone else already volunteered for that dish, tell the person. He or she will offer to make something else. A variety of food is part of the fun, and everyone has their signature dish!

Take note that if the food will be outside for an extended period of time, it needs to stay cold to prevent food poisoning. We use inflatable serving trays that hold ice for dishes that contain mayo and also to keep fruit cold. I have used food covers similar to these to keep flies and other insects away.

As far as drinks, we always make iced tea, lemonade, and have cold water in coolers. Plenty of ice is also a plus! I usually make or provide one adult beverage, and guests bring some to share too.

Festive display of red, white, and blue foods

Set up tables and tents the day before to save yourself some work. Don’t forget the tablecloths, paper plates, napkins, silverware, and cups!

The most important thing to remember is that the day should be fun for you too. Grilled food tastes great, but if you don’t want to stand over a hot grill all day in 90-degree temperatures, consider other options like pulled pork. We have cooked ribs on occasion and finished them off on the grill, which is another alternative. Same with BBQ chicken. Honestly though, even though I say, “I’ll never do that again,” while I am sweating like crazy over a hot grill, I almost always do. It’s summer!

When we have backyard barbecues, we set up yard games, like corn hole, for entertainment. Everyone has a good time! The best part about the day is getting together with friends and family, having fun, and making memories. That’s what makes our Independence Day unforgettable.

Picture of the Constitution sitting on an American flag

Lastly, remember why we celebrate July 4th, how we got our independence in America and the sacrifices made by extraordinary men and women to let freedom ring! Pass this history lesson on to your kids.

Until Next Time,


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Written by
April Smyth

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