Out With The Old, Unwanted, and Unused To Be Happy!

Out With The Old, Unwanted, and Unused To Be Happy!

A light, fresh, clean, uncluttered living space

One positive thing I can say about winter is that it’s a great time to organize and purge! Now that the holiday season is officially over across the board and you finally have time to breathe, take a moment to assess your belongings. Do you really need all of this stuff? More often than not, the answer is no.

Out with the old…

Teach Kids To Donate Unused Toys

When our boys were little, Christmas, and birthdays too for that matter, meant a new storage challenge. We began having them both, at a young age, sort through their toys and games for items they no longer used. We explained that there were other kids out there who didn’t have any toys to play with. So with open hearts (well, most of the time), they would choose gently used items from the toy box to be donated. The best part: watching their hearts grow as they helped others AND freed up storage space for incoming items.

Toy chest full of toys

Stereo Systems and My Struggle

As adults, my husband and I do the same thing. One great way to save space is to rid your house of outdated and unused electronics. Given the advancements in technology and the size of the speakers out there today, whether Bluetooth or smart bot (we use Alexa in our house), the reclaimed real estate is unbelievable! The sound and tonal balance on some models are absolutely incredible, while others are lackluster and tinny.

Small, modern speaker

That being said, I have an Aiwa stereo system (bookcase style) with a 3-disc changer and dual cassette deck. I have been hanging onto it because of the rich sound output. It just makes me happy. However, I don’t play CD’s enough to justify keeping it. As a result, I plan to sell it at our spring yard sale, but I will likely change my mind 100 times between now and then.

While I truly make every attempt to say, “out with the old,” it’s sometimes difficult to let go. So even though I know getting rid of that stereo system makes sense and would free up space, and I will try to muster all my inner strength to pack it up to sell it, there’s a good chance I will keep it. And that’s ok! More on that later, I’ll keep you posted.

Bookcase Stereo on an old console stereo
Similar Stereos

Our living room houses a very nostalgic console stereo. This streamlined element doubles as a plant stand/sofa table. There’s no way I am selling this unit! Not only is it one of the first pieces of furniture I acquired in my adult life (free of charge) it is one of my greatest treasures! It’s like a credenza; it’s vintage – it stays.

Believe it or not, that 1960’s stereo, to my surprise, worked like a charm when I first acquired it. The high fidelity sound was (and still is) rich and well-balanced. While the radio no longer works due to a switch problem – yes, tears have been shed – the phonograph (AKA record player) plays vinyl like a dream.

The piece isn’t the bulky fake wood of the 1970s either, which I love. Some day, I plan to refinish it and have it restored, so it stays. End of story.

Note: I purchased a Sony Stereo system with large floor speakers and many components back in the day. Eventually, I let it go. It took up way too much living space.

…Time to digress

Let Go and Spruce Up!

As we pack up our Christmas decorations once again, we continue to discover and box up items that weren’t used (for a second consecutive year) for our “go” pile, which has consumed a hefty portion of the garage. This isn’t always an easy process, but it is necessary to avoid the over-accumulation of stuff. Before I purchase any new decoration, which I try not to do too often, I am fully prepared to let an old one go. Out with the old, in with the new.

And then, there are the gifts. Whether you received a present this past Christmas or on another occasion, if you won’t display it, wear it, or otherwise make use of it, let it go. Remember, if it doesn’t bring you joy, set it free. Doing so doesn’t make you ungrateful – in fact, I am sure you sent a lovely card to the gift-giver thanking him or her – but that certainly doesn’t mean you need to keep something you won’t put to good use!

Finally, take this time to thoroughly clean your home. Touch up paint, if needed, or plan entire painting projects all around the house. You’ll be glad you did when spring comes around and you’re ready to head outside to your yard and garden!

Woman pouring paint from a can into a paint tray

I’ve been eyeing up some pretty complex projects this year, but will probably settle on some painting and ATTEMPT to stay on budget. Since we implemented the “out with the old” strategy, we have more living space to work with. My brain is putting in some overtime with some fresh ideas! I hope you feel inspired to unclutter and freshen your home this winter, and I bet you’ll be surprised at how happy you feel with less stuff!

Until Next Time,


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Written by
April Smyth

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